Geographic Database

Vushtrri / Vučitrn

Canonical URI: (Last Updates: 2017-09-15 , Klar)

ancient find spot:
modern find spot:
Vushtrri / Vučitrn
find spot:
Mitrovicë / Kosovska Mitrovica
Vushtrri ca. 529 m - 784097 - Kosovo XK » Mitrovica 10097358 » Vushtrri 28
population : 30651

2: HD033652 : ILJug 1404 : In oppido Vucitrn rep.
N. Vulić, Spomenik 71, 1931, 42, Nr. 96 : Из Вучитрна, као поклон Г. Фртунића [Vucitrn, als Geschenk G. Frtunić]
PIR V 476.
PIR (2. Aufl.) C 564.
3: HD033653 : ILJug 1405 : In oppido Vucitrn rep..
N. Vulić, Spomenik 71, 1931, 42-43, Nr. 99 : Из Вучитрна, као поклон Г. Фртунића


=> 29968 {Hamam}, sekundär verwendet

Es scheint unter osmanischer Herrschaft mehrere Hamams gegeben zu haben. Zuletzt ist aber nur von einem Hammām die Rede (des Ali Bey [dt. Wikipedia Vushtrria]) bzw. der Restaurierung The monument of architectural heritage ‘Hamam in Vushtrri/Vučitrn’, is located in the centre of the city and consist of construction structures from different historical periods. This Hamam, perhaps of a time with the Mosque of Gazi Ali Beg in Vushtrri/Vučitrn (XV century), is one of the earliest built Hamams in Balkans.
Lokalisierung nach Wikimapia
1: HD033651 : ILJug 1403 : in oppido Vucitrn inaedificata in thermis (q.d. amam).
N. Vulić, Spomenik 71, 1931, 42, Nr. 98 : У Вучитрну, у амаму [In Vucitrn, Amami, alternativ: Vushtrrri].
TM Geo-ID:
Geonames ID:
Work Status:

2 inscription(s) from this findspot

HD033652: Votive inscription from Vushtrri / Vučitrn (Moesia superior)
HD033653: Epitaph from Vushtrri / Vučitrn (Moesia superior)
